Welcome to phpvim page

what is this project for?

phpvim project is to provide PHP interface to vim editor. vim already have a lot of script language interface such as Perl, Python, Ruby, Tck/Tk, ... but, we don't have php interface in the world.

what can be done with php enabled vim?

You can make you own script with PHP. for example, in vim command line, type :php echo "hello world !"; you will see message from php script, exactly same message as :echo "hello world" from vim script. see more examples

what is diffrent from Python, Ruby, ... interface

1) This is PHP ! there are people who can't use except PHP. and PHP is almost standard for free web application. 2) phpvim will have much more function than other interface. for example, in Python, in order to call vim's internal functions. you have to use eval/command functions. vim.eval('winnr()'); in phpvim, $winnr = vim::call('winnr'); or $vim->winnr(); // using __call() interface in php5.

how do I install?

official version is under construction. If you can't wait, install it from CVS. but, currently only support PHP5 and unix. (not windows) download simple install script phpvim-inst.sh. see source of phpvim-inst.sh. if you succeeded, php5 enabled version will be on your ~/phpvim/bin directory.

Any plans?

phpvim will go three directions. 1) rich API to vim I want to provide a lot of API to manuplate. such as such as XtAppAddInput() interface, even vim script dosen't support. 2) Standard Class Library for vim application vim's own script is really good. It can do a lot of things. but, It dosen't have class feature or modern language features. because of it, any one who wants to develop vim plugin have to find out others script how they did and a lots of trial and errors. I want to support reusable standard class framework. this is an idea what I'm thinking about. when we are writing application like TagList. < class extends VimApplication implements TreeView { private $taglist; function Create() { $this->disableWritableMaps(); $this->map(VimApplication::ENTER, 'onENTER'); $this->taglist = new TagList; $this->displayTree($this->taglist->getOutputArray()); } function onENTER($row, $col) { $word = $this->getWordLocation($row, $col); list($file, $prefix) = $taglist->getTag($word); $this->jumpToFilePrefix($file, $prefix); } } > see few hours of my working, RSS reader 3) a lots of developer's applications most of vim users are developers. I want to make applications supporting developer's basic application such as. database query tools like phpmyadmin, mail reader, rss reader, ... scripts that saves us from typing, for example,

want to contribute?

please contact to me. segv74 at sourceforge.net I really need nice php artechitector, who can design nice framework.